Senin, 20 Oktober 2014

Menghitung Jejak Ekologi


Analisis EF (ecological footprint) sendiri tampaknya beranjak dari pemikiran yang sederhana, yakni kapasitas daya dukung area (lahan) produktif (biocapacity) untuk hidup manusia. Lahan produktif itu hanya berupa daratan dan perairan, yang sebenarnya pun tak bisa dimanfaatkan keseluruhannya. Jadi berapa yang bisa diambil dari alam oleh manusia untuk hidup dan berapa sampah yang harus kembali dibuang ke alam oleh manusia dalam cakupan wilayah tertentu. Eksploitasi oleh manusia dari alam itu bisa dalam bentuk dan berbagai macam kegiatan, misal makan, transport, energi, dan sebagainya. Besaran area analisisnya adalah populasi penduduk yang bisa sangat bervariasi, mulai dari individu atau keluarga, atau melebar mulai dari kota, wilayah, negara, atau bahkan seluruh bumi. Kondisi saat ini pun diketahui bahwa kapasitas penggunaan alam untuk hidup manusia telah 23% melampui kemampuan regenerasi bumi itu sendiri. Dalam istilah EF, kelebihan dari kemampuan daya dukung alam ini disebut overshoot.
Mengutip temuan Mathis Wackernagel dkk. bahwa individu di bumi ini saat ini mengambil jatah rata-rata sekitar 2.2 ha, namun karena ada hak pula dari makhluk lain yang dinamakan “earth share”, maka jatah manusia sebenarnya tinggal 1.87 ha. Untuk kasus saat ini saja, penduduk bumi telah berhutang hampir 0.4 ha. Dari beberapa laporan studi ternyata juga terlihat bahwa makin majunya sebuah negara makin besar jejak ekologi yang harus dibayarnya. UAE 11.9, Amerika 9.5 ha, Inggris 5.45 ha, Wales 4.45 ha, Swiss 4 ha, Indonesia 1.1 ha, dan Bangladesh rata2 0.5 ha. Membacanya, untuk menuruti gaya hidup orang Amerika, maka area yang mereka huni harus dijembarkan menjadi 9.5 kalinya sekarang. Mereka juga telah mengalami apa yang dinamakan ecological deficit, sedang orang Bangladesh boleh lah disebut memiliki ecological reserve. istilah ini digunakan untuk membandingkan jejak ekologi dan kapasitas biologinya.
Beberapa faktor yang menjadi komponen penghitungan adalah bagaimana jejak rantai makanan (food), tempat berteduh (shelter), perjalanan untuk berkegiatan (mobility), barang (goods), jasa (service). Dari 5 jejak ini terasa mobilitas, makanan, dan perumahan mendapat porsi penyelidikan yang besar. Sebaliknya barang dan jasa hanya sekelumit mendapat penilaian.
Jejak Ekologiku
Jejak ekologi adalah satu sistem yang mengukur seberapa banyak tanah dan air yang diperlukan populasi manusia untuk menghasilkan sumber yang mereka habiskan dan menyerap limbah yang dihasilkannya. (Wackernagel & Rees, 1996)

Lembar kerja berikut adalah perhitungan kasar yg menunjukkan seberapa besar jejak ekologi pribadi saya dan bagaiman pilihan yang saya buat menjadikan jejak ekologis saya menyusut atau meluas.


Diawali dengan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut :
1. Di negara mana Anda tinggal ? Indonesia
2. sistem pengukuran mana yang Anda pilih ? Metric / U.S
3. Berapa jumlah orang yang tinggal di rumah Anda ? 4 orang
4. Berapa penghasilan Anda pertahun ? kurang dari $ 29,000 
Ecological Footprint , terdiri dari :
Now, we will estimate your carbon footprint. Your carbon footprint  is the area needed to absorb carbon emissions generated by your  home energy use and transportation.
1. What best describes the climate zone you live in? If you are not sure, the dominant climate for your country is already selected.
Arctic or high cold mountain regions (like northern Siberia or the high Himalayas)
High latitudes with cold winters and cool summers (like Moscow or Stockholm)
High desert (like Kabul or Mexico City)
Temperate or Mediterranean (like New York, Rome, Buenos Aires or Hong Kong)
Warm to hot lowland desert (like Phoenix or Dubai)
Tropical and wet, including rainforests (like Rio de Janeiro or Manila)
Tropical, but relatively dry, including savannahs (like Bhopal, Brasilia or Nairobi)
2. What is the size of your home?
50 - 100 square meters or less (apartment or studio)
100 - 150 square meters (small home, approximately 2-3 bedrooms)
150 - 200 square meters (average home, approximately 3 bedrooms)200 - 250 square meters (large home, approximately 4 bedrooms)
250 square meters or larger (very large home)
3. What energy sources do you use in your home? Please check all that apply.
Natural gas, propane, or liquefied petroleum gas
Heating oil
Wood or biomass
4. If your house uses electricity, what percentage is generated from renewable hydropower, wind, biomass, or solar sources? The initial value is the country or regional average.
5. Please enter the number of kilometers you travel per year for each mode of transportation:
480 km            Automobiles, including personal vehicles, taxis, and carpools
480 km            Bus, including metro and long distance service
Rail, including subways, inner-city light rail, cross country trains
Air travel
6. What best describes the vehicle you most often drive or ride in?
A hybrid
A small or compact car (2 door)
A mid size car (4 door sedan)
A large car (including vans and minivans)
A pickup truck or sport Utility Vehicle (SUV)
7. Do you usually share rides with at least one other person?
8. Below is a list of energy saving features and energy saving habits. Please check all that apply
Energy saving features
Compact fluorescent bulbs
Energy efficient appliancesExtra insulation
Insulating blinds
Solar panels
Storm doors and windows
Water saving fixtures
Energy saving habits
Turn off lights when leaving rooms
Use power strips to turn off stand-by lights
Turn off computers and monitors when not in use
Dry clothes outside whenever possible
Keep thermostat relatively low in winter
Unplug small appliances when not in use
Minimal use of power equipment when landscaping
9. What best describes where your home is located?
Inner city
Older suburbNewer suburb
10. Have you purchased offsets for carbon emissions associated with your home energy use and transportation?

Quiz results
in global hectares
My Carbon Footprint:   
Country Average:

Next, we estimate your food footprint. Your food footprint includes the area needed to grow crops, fish, and graze animals and absorb carbon emissions from food processing and transport.
11. What best describes your diet?
Vegan – Plant based foods only
Vegetarian – Primarily plant based foods, but some dairy
Omnivore – An assortment of meat, seafood, vegetables, dairy, and grains
Carnivore – Meat, seafood, and dairy several times a week
Top of the food chain – Meat, seafood, or dairy at almost every meal

 12. Where do you obtain most of your food?
Farmers markets, gardens, cooperatives, and other local and fresh sources
Natural foods markets
Supermarkets for some items, natural food stores for others
Supermarkets, convenience stores, and prepared foods from restaurants
Restaurants, fast foods, and take out
13. How often do you select foods that are certified organic or sustainably produced?
Most of the time
Almost never
14. Which choice best describes how much you normally eat?
One large meal and a couple of light snacks per day
Two large meals and two or three light or medium sized snacks per day
Three large meals and several hefty sized snacks in between
15. Do you have a garden or share one to grow your own vegetables and herbs?
Quiz results
in global hectares
My Food Footprint:
Country Average:

The next step is your housing footprint. Your housing footprint
includes the area occupied by your home and the area needed to supply resources used in construction and household maintenance.
16. Which best describes your home?
An estate, ranch or farm
A free standing single family house
A house or building with 4 or fewer unitsA small apartment building (5 - 20 units)
A large apartment building (20+ units)
17. Was your home or any portion of it built with recycled materials, wood certified as sustainably harvested, or any other green design features?
NoNot sure
18. Approximately what share of your home furnishings are second hand or made of either recycled or sustainably produced materials?
Almost none
A fewA fair amount
Almost all
19. Which water saving features and habits do you have in your home? Please check all that apply.
Water saving features
Low flow toilets
Low flow shower heads and faucets
Instant water heaters on sinks
Rainwater catchment system
Grey water recycling system
Drought tolerant landscaping
Water saving habits
Compost rather than use garbage disposal
Minimize shower time and toilet flushing
Run clothes and dish washers only when full
Wash cars rarely

Look for and fix leaks regularly
Avoid hosing down decks, walkways, driveways
20. How often do you select cleaning products that are biodegradable or non-toxic?
Almost never
Most of the time
Quiz results
in global hectares
My Housing Footprint:
Country Average:

Lastly, we estimate your goods and services footprint, which includes the area needed to supply consumer items you purchase and absorb carbon emissions from their manufacturing, transport, and disposal.
21. What best describes your spending and saving habits?
I tend to spend all of my income and then some.
I generally live within my means.
I am a frugal spender, and regularly save money for the future. 
22. How often do you buy new things to replace old ones?
I tend to use things until I genuinely need to replace them.Some items I use for years, others I replace before I need to.
I frequently replace belongings even if they are in good condition.
23. How many standard size garbage bins does your household fill each week?
Less than one
One or two
More than two
24. What proportion of the following wastes do you recycle?

A fair amount
Almost all

25. When you buy clothing or paper products, how often do you select items labeled as recycled, natural, organic, or made of alternative fibers such as hemp or Tencel?
Almost never
SometimesAlmost always

Quiz results
in global hectares
My Goods and Services Footprint:
Country Average:

(in global hectares)
Country Average
Carbon Footprint
Food Footprint
Housing Footprint
Goods and Services Footprint
My total footprint

Total my footprint in Global Hectare By Compsumption Category : 7,97
  • Marine fisheries footprint       : 2,74 (34,42%)
  • Forestland footprint                : 2,42 (30,4%)
  • Cropland footprint                  : 1,12 (14,07%)
  • Pastureland footprint              : 1,68 (21,11%)
Congratulations, you are living an ecologically conscientious lifestyle.
If everyone lived like you do, we would need only 0.51 Earths.

1.                  Dalam hitungan jejak ekologi (ecological footprint), kita bisa menilai sejauh mana tingkat konsumsi kita mempengaruhi kualitas lingkungan hidup kita dan tentu saja seberapa besar kerusakan lingkungan hidup yang ditimbulkan akibat dari pola konsumsi. Hitungan jejak ekologi ini memang cara menghitung dengan cepat dan relatif akurat untuk perseorangan yang bisa dihitung perbulan atau pertahun, dan tentu saja ini bisa diterapkan dimana saja termasuk di Indonesia yang tingkat kerusakan ekologinya begitu tinggi. Hasil dari hitungan ecological footprint kita mungkin akan sangat mengagetkan, tapi hitungan ini sekaligus bisa menjadi “alat” bagi kita untuk mulai mengurangi tingkat konsumerisme dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
2.                   Jejak ekologi pribadi saya adalah 7,97 gha. Berarti jejak ekologi saya telah melebihi standar yang ada. Sekarang tinggal saya berusaha meminimalisir hal-hal dalam kehidupan saya agar tidak merusak lingkungan yang telah diciptakan. Mari kita jaga bersama-sama lingkungan yang kita cintai ini.
Daftar Pustaka
Wackernagel, Mathis and W. Rees. Our Ecological Footprint. Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers, 1996.

Monfreda, C., M. Wackernagel and D. Deumling. "Establishing national natural capital accounts based on detailed Ecological Footprint and biological capacity assessments." Land Use Policy 21 (2004): 231-246.

"Global Footprint Network Homepage." Global Footprint
Suharto, E. 2009. Membangun Masyarakat Memberdayakan Rakyat: Kajian Strategis 
Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Sosial dan Pekerjaan Sosial. Rafika Aditama.

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